Spot Pet Insurance Vs. Trupanion Pet Insurance: 5 Reasons Spot Pet Insurance Is Best


Your pet deserves only the best whether it’s the best food, the best toys, and the best pet insurance. You don’t want to cut corners when it comes to your pet’s health, so choosing a company that provides a full range of coverage options to keep your pet healthy (without costing you a fortune) is of the utmost importance. You’ve narrowed down your choices and here’s what you’ve come up with to choose from – Spot Pet Insurance Vs. Trupanion Pet Insurance. Read on to learn why the clear choice is Spot.

1. Discount for Multiple Pets

Purchasing pet insurance for multiple pets can add up quickly. You want to ensure all of your pets are covered, but you’re nervous the cost will end up being too much. Spot Pet Insurance helps with that. Purchase an insurance plan for one of your pets and every pet you insure after that will get a 10% discount on their plan. By comparison, Trupanion does not offer a discount for insuring multiple pets. Every little bit helps when it comes to saving money so definitely choose Spot if you want to save. 

2. Preventative Care Option

Preventative care is important to ensure the general health and wellness of your pet. While most pet insurances don’t include preventative care in their traditional plans, some will offer you the option to add this feature. Why would you want preventative care? Preventative care covers wellness visits, dental cleanings, and more to avoid your pet from experiencing an illness or injury. It’s also a good idea to promote general health.

Trupanion does not offer the option for policyholders to add preventative care coverage, so if you choose that insurance, you’ll always pay out of pocket. Spot, on the other hand, does provide a preventative care option, so you can help offset that cost and have peace of mind that you’re putting your pet’s wellness first. 

3. Covers Microchipping

Microchipping keeps your pet safe. If your pet is lost, a microchip helps them find their way back to you. When scanned, a microchip, which is a small electronic device known as a radio frequency identification device (RFID), transmits your pet’s identification number to the scanner to identify the microchip. The microchip has the information the scanner needs to help bring your pet home.

Microchipping has become essential for keeping pets safe and Spot recognizes the need for this. Spot Pet Insurance covers the cost of microchip implantation by a vet in their policy so you won’t have to pay out of pocket. Spot does not, however, cover other microchip-associated costs such as registration, renewal, or monitoring. Since Trupanion does not cover preventiatve care, the insurance company does not offer any type of coverage for microchipping your pet.

4. Accident-Only Plan Option

As a pet owner, you may not feel the need to invest in a full-coverage policy for your pet. You have the budget to handle vet bills and don’t have a pet that requires extra care so you can’t justify the cost of an insurance plan. But, you still want to be protected in the event of an accident. In that case, you need accident-only coverage.

While Trupanion does not provide this option, Spot does so that pet owners can be covered in the event of an accident. Often, an accident can result in hefty veterinary bills that aren’t possible to pay out of pocket. An accident-only plan helps you cover the cost so you don’t wind up in a tough financial situation.  

5. Covers Behavioral Issues

If your pet has behavioral issues such as anxiety or compulsive behavior, they may be required to attend additional vet visits to address the behavior. Those additional visits can become costly but are often necessary to help your pet. Spot Pet Insurance will help cover the cost of these veterinary visits and is an included feature in their coverage plan. Trupanion does offer this coverage but it is not part of their traditional plan and, if you need this coverage, it will require paying an additional fee.


You can stop your search for the best pet insurance company for your loved one. Spot Pet Insurance has all the coverage options you need to keep your pet safe from illness or injury as well as care for their overall health and wellness. You want an insurance company that cares about your pet as much as you do and Spot provides the resources your pet (and you) need.

About Author

LaDonna Dennis

LaDonna Dennis is the founder and creator of Mom Blog Society. She wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Friend*Animal Lover* Former writer of Frost Illustrated and, Cancer...SURVIVOR! LaDonna is happily married to the love of her life, the mother of 3 grown children and "Grams" to 3 grandchildren. She adores animals and has four furbabies: Makia ( a German Shepherd, whose mission in life is to be her attached to her hip) and Hachie, (an OCD Alaskan Malamute, and Akia (An Alaskan Malamute) who is just sweet as can be. And Sassy, a four-month-old German Shepherd who has quickly stolen her heart and become the most precious fur baby of all times. Aside from the humans in her life, LaDonna's fur babies are her world.

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