Fuzzy Flyers will excite your little one this Holiday Season



We love Fuzzy Flyers!  Do you know why?  Well, because they are so much fun.


Jacob, my 5 year old, loves Coco, the dog.  He plays with Coco all the time.  Coco says “bacon bacon” and he dances with you.  This is so much fun for Jacob.  My daughter, 19 year old, Sarah, will dance with Coco too, to amuse Jacob, I think!  Coco is so cute, and he does so many different things.

Get moving and have some fun!  An intelligent brain brings these goofy characters to life with a toss, shake, or tap.  Put down your screens and let Fuzzy Flyers provide the entertainment with hilarious phrases, challenging games, and social interaction.


Chirpie, on the other hand, is a cute little bird, in an egg.  We toss him back and forth for hours.  Taking a step back, every time, to see if we can keep from breaking his egg.  Jacob starts getting rough, and that’s when we stop.  But, it’s so much fun to toss to each other, for long periods of time, keeping boredom to a minimum.

Chirpie’s Games
  • Egg Toss • Throw Chirpie to your teammate and catch it softly so you don’t “break its egg”. Every time you catch Chirpie without it breaking, take a step back.
  • Sky Bird • Keep Chirpie in the air to cool it down. If Chirpie gets “too hot”, you lose. Careful, it will “heat up” quickly in your hands. Pass levels of increasing difficultly, and go for the high score!

GAMES – Once awake, click the wing/paw to start the game currently selected. Hold the wing/paw to change games, then click at any point to start that game. When the Fuzzy Flyer goes to sleep, it will reset to the first game.

These characters will have you having fun for hours.  Trust me, it brings so much joy to my face to see my 5 year old happy.  And, my 19 year old playing with him.

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This product was received from the Company for review purposes only. All thoughts and words in this post is my own and I was not paid to endorse it. I am only voicing my opinion about this product.


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